Villamartin GolfGolfbana: Villamartin Golfbana Region: Valencia, Provins: Alicante, Kust: Costa Blanca Tyvärr finns följande text endast på Engelska. This course was designed by Mr. Puttman and opened in 1972. It is, therefore, one of the most established courses in the Community of Valencia. Recensioner:
Villamartin Golf
spelad: 2024-12-14
"It was very very slow that day because of one society turnament so that we decided to go after nine holes. We needed one hour for the first three holes." - VZ FFM
Villamartin Golf
spelad: 2024-12-11
"layout of the course: very nice
surroundings: good
Customer service: staff friendly and helpful" - VZ FFM
Villamartin Golf
spelad: 2024-03-24
"The course was just an average course, to expensive for what you got.
The course was not so difficult, the drivning range was a dissaster." Villamartin kommentarer |
Villamartin Tee Info
Villamartin baninfo
Villamartin karaktär
Villamartin Anläggning
Här ligger Villamartin |
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