Montenmedio Golf

betyg 4 av 5.
(6 värderingar, 6 recensioner)
Golfbana: Montenmedio Golfbana
Region: Andalucia, Provins: Cadiz, Kust: Costa de la Luz
 Montenmedio Golf
 Montenmedio Golf
 Montenmedio Golf

Montenmedios 18 hål, par 72, golfbana är 5930 meter lång och ligger i ett lätt böljande landskap omringat av majestätiska träd. Med banans priviligerade placering i ett skyddat område har Montenmedio blivit en ideal plats för de som vill komma nära naturen. Seve Ballesteros har kallat Montenmedio gör en av Europas bästa golfbanor. Montenmedio är designad för golfaren.


 4 / 5 Montenmedio Golf spelad: 2024-06-07

"Had heard mixed reports , but course in excellent condition,greens ar a good pace and true. A course that I would play differently now, knowing the layout as it’s important to be on the correct side of many fairways to avoid being blocked out. Surroundings were stunning, as I live on the Costa del sol I’m used to playing courses lined with villas and apartments, montenmedio was the total opposite, only the sound of birds to distract Buggy probably recommended but it is walkable Staff were absolutely brilliant Only negative was lack of a locker room to change in. Value for money was brilliant, Would definitely visit again,"

 4 / 5 Montenmedio Golf spelad: 2023-10-20

"A nice course with a decent layout not in bad condition. Lovely setting with nice views. There are no buildings anywhere near the course. Easily walkable. Very good value but obviously cheaper in this part of Andalucía. Friendly staff." - Spiggy

 3 / 5 Montenmedio Golf spelad: 2023-10-03

"Played while being in Vejer de la frontera. Nice surroundings, very quiet, greens had been handled ! Paths are disaster" - patrick

Montenmedio kommentarer

Montenmedio Tee Info

White tee Vit Yellow tee Gul Red tee Röd
Meter : 5930 5782 0
Par : 72 72 0
Slope : 0 0 0

Montenmedio baninfo

Course designer(s): Alejandro Maldonado
Course layout: Forrest and Parkland
Year opened: 1996
Holes: 18
Practice par 3: No
Maximum hcp for Women: 36
Maximum hcp for Men: 34
Junior rates: No
Buggy reccomended: No

Montenmedio karaktär

Banans längd
Banans bredd
Banans höjdskillnad
Banans hinder
Svårighetsgrad Green
Banstatistik baserad på Golf Service undersökning

Montenmedio Anläggning

Puttgreen: Yes Klubbhus: Yes
Driving Range: Yes Parkering: Yes
Golflektioner: Yes Restaurant: Yes
Golf Shop: Yes Skåp: Yes
Buggys: Yes Duschar: Yes
Elektriska Trolleys: Yes Bastu: No
Trolleys: Yes Massage: No
Hyra av klubbor: Yes Gym: No
Hotell: Yes Pool: Yes

Här ligger Montenmedio

© 1998-2025 GOLF SERVICE (Nombre fiscal: PETER NILSSON S.L, Cif: B-29884525)•Telefon +34 952787775
• Plaza de las Orquideas • Edificio Orquidea - Local 6 • 29660 NUEVA ANDALUCÍA • MARBELLA • MÁLAGA • SPAIN •