Guadalmina North Golf

betyg 4 av 5.
(4 värderingar, 2 recensioner)
Golfbana: Guadalmina North Golfbana
Region: Andalucia, Provins: Malaga, Kust: Costa del Sol
 Guadalmina North Golf
 Guadalmina North Golf
 Guadalmina North Golf

Den norra fältet är kortare än den södra, har en kuperad terräng och har fler vattenhinder.

Dess layout kräver går bra rakt igenom mitten av gatan, för annars kan det sluta i ett av de många vattenlås gömda i ruffen.


 4 / 5 Guadalmina North Golf spelad: 2021-11-06

"There was some confusion with the starter and our tee time. Finally our tee time was 20 mins. later than it should have been. One reason was that there was som “ members who were pros” that had to go before us. Not nice for us paying tourists. The course was in very good shape" - Marica

 4 / 5 Guadalmina North Golf spelad: 2020-03-08

"We like the course. We have played the south course two days before. Very different. We are thinking about to get members of the club there you can See how beautiful we think about Guadalmina Golf ????" - Detlef Bernhardt

Guadalmina North kommentarer

Guadalmina North Tee Info

White tee Vit Yellow tee Gul Red tee Röd
Meter : 5660 5530 4859
Par : 72 72 72
Slope : 0 0 0

Guadalmina North baninfo

Course designer(s): Folco Nardi
Course layout: Parkland
Year opened: 1973
Holes: 18
Practice par 3: Yes
Maximum hcp for Women: 36
Maximum hcp for Men: 28
Junior rates: Yes
Buggy reccomended: No

Guadalmina North karaktär

Banans längd
Banans bredd
Banans höjdskillnad
Banans hinder
Svårighetsgrad Green
Banstatistik baserad på Golf Service undersökning

Guadalmina North Anläggning

Puttgreen: Yes Klubbhus: Yes
Driving Range: Yes Parkering: Yes
Golflektioner: Yes Restaurant: Yes
Golf Shop: Yes Skåp: Yes
Buggys: Yes Duschar: Yes
Elektriska Trolleys: Yes Bastu: No
Trolleys: Yes Massage: No
Hyra av klubbor: Yes Gym: No
Hotell: Yes Pool: Yes

Här ligger Guadalmina North

© 1998-2025 GOLF SERVICE (Nombre fiscal: PETER NILSSON S.L, Cif: B-29884525)•Telefon +34 952787775
• Plaza de las Orquideas • Edificio Orquidea - Local 6 • 29660 NUEVA ANDALUCÍA • MARBELLA • MÁLAGA • SPAIN •