Calanova Golf

betyg 4.25 av 5.
(207 värderingar, 140 recensioner)
Golfbana: Calanova Golfbana
Region: Andalucia, Provins: Malaga, Kust: Costa del Sol
 Calanova Golf
 Calanova Golf
 Calanova Golf

Calanova har byggts efter Amerikanska Golf Förbundets reglelverk med hänsyn till bunkrar, drenering och greener. Den här banan har en mycket trevlig design med breda och kulliga fairways. Greenerna är stora och i vissa fall mycket ondulerade. Banan är dock mycket backig och kräver en golfbil. Detta är en mycket prisvärd bana i gämförelse till andra i sin klass.


 4 / 5 Calanova Golf spelad: 2025-02-13

"Always good" - Arne

 4 / 5 Calanova Golf spelad: 2025-01-28

"We had a good time honestly. Great that you offer a safe in the carts, really love that. Troyes and fairways in good shape so are the greens. Only issues i could thinknoff that the front 9 the green were faster than on the back nine. The course seems easy but it’s really not. Some holes need to play strategically. Staff is nice and nice that you have ranger assuring pace of play. Good stuff congrats" - Tgrau

 4 / 5 Calanova Golf spelad: 2025-01-28

"I really like the Calanova course and have played it several times over the last three years. Basically I can confirm the comments JaCe has made on 2024-10-23. Besides this, some holes were set up pretty short, I.e. #9 Par 5 played about 370m off the yellow tees!!?? And the greens, although in good condition, played way slower than other courses we have visited this January. Anyway, I really recommend playing Calanova Golf Course, It’s worth the money!"

Calanova kommentarer

Calanova Tee Info

White tee Vit Yellow tee Gul Red tee Röd
Meter : 5866 5773 4941
Par : 72 72 72
Slope : 129 127 125

Calanova baninfo

Course designer(s): Julian Garcia Mayoral
Course layout: Mountain
Year opened: 2006
Holes: 18
Practice par 3: No
Maximum hcp for Women: 36
Maximum hcp for Men: 34
Junior rates: 13 and under
Buggy reccomended: No

Calanova karaktär

Banans längd
Banans bredd
Banans höjdskillnad
Banans hinder
Svårighetsgrad Green
Banstatistik baserad på Golf Service undersökning

Calanova Anläggning

Puttgreen: Yes Klubbhus: Yes
Driving Range: Yes Parkering: Yes
Golflektioner: Yes Restaurant: Yes
Golf Shop: Yes Skåp: Yes
Buggys: Yes Duschar: Yes
Elektriska Trolleys: No Bastu: No
Trolleys: No Massage: Yes
Hyra av klubbor: Yes Gym: Yes
Hotell: No Pool: No

Här ligger Calanova

© 1998-2025 GOLF SERVICE (Nombre fiscal: PETER NILSSON S.L, Cif: B-29884525)•Telefon +34 952787775
• Plaza de las Orquideas • Edificio Orquidea - Local 6 • 29660 NUEVA ANDALUCÍA • MARBELLA • MÁLAGA • SPAIN •