Antequera GolfGolfbana: Antequera Golfbana Region: Andalucia, Provins: Malaga, Kust: Costa del Sol Antequera golfbana är omringad av El Torcal Naturpark. Detta är en mycket intressant bana där greenerna är otroligt hårda och snabba. Generellt är detta en mycket utmanande bana och tekniskt spel är ett måste. Vissa hål kan uppfattas korta men det kompenseras med smala fairways, bunkrar och vatten. Recensioner:
Antequera Golf
spelad: 2024-06-26
"Very hilly course, but with a good mix of short 0ar 4s and some long par 5s. Greens were good, but the fairways lack grass in places, mainly at the edges, this didn't spoil the golf though.
Will definitely play it again." - Pappa J
Antequera Golf
spelad: 2023-10-21
"This is a lovely golf course. It has many good holes. The back 9 is really picturesque in a lovely setting. Sadly the fairways have not seen any water recently and are brown and hard and for some would make it not worth playing . A buggy is recommended and the cost of the round with a buggy is cheap.
If you’re not bothered about the fairways being poor it’s well worth a visit as it’s cheap and pretty. If only they could spend some money on it and restore it to the condition it was in before it would be really good." - Spiggy
Antequera Golf
spelad: 2022-11-12
"The course has some challenging holes and wonderful views. The staff were very friendly. The condition of the course in the main is good if a little tired around the edges but good value and I will return.
We walked but most people will want to buggy." - Andy Antequera kommentarer |
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